Sunday, January 9, 2022

AP series addition using friend function

 #include <iostream>

using namespace std;
class AP
    int terms;

    int a, b;
    void setdata(int a)
        terms = a;
    friend void takeAP(AP);
    void getdata()
        cout << "enter the first term " << endl;
        cin >> a;
        cout << "enter the common difference " << endl;
        cin >> b;
        cout << "enter the number of terms " << endl;
        cin >> terms;
    friend int withdata(AP);
    friend void printseries(AP);
void takeAP(AP o1)
    int term[o1.terms];
    cout << "enter terms" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < o1.terms; i++)
        cin >> term[i];
    int term1, lastterm, commondifference, sum;
    term1 = term[0];
    lastterm = term[(o1.terms) - 1];
    commondifference = term[1] - term1;
    // n/2[2a + (n – 1)d]
    sum = (o1.terms) * (term1 + lastterm);
    sum = sum / 2;
    cout << "your first term is " << term1 << endl;
    cout << "your last term is " << lastterm << endl;
    cout << "your commondifference is " << commondifference << endl;
    cout << "sum is " << sum << endl;

int withdata(AP o2)

    int sum;
    sum = ((o2.terms) * ((2 * (o2.a)) + (o2.terms - 1) * (o2.b))) / 2;

    return sum;
void printseries(AP o3){
    cout<<"the series is :"<<endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < o3.terms ; i++)
        cout<<o3.a <<" , ";
        o3.a = o3.a + o3.b;
int main()
    int a1, choice;
    AP x;
    cout << "choose 1 if you have series choose 2 if you have data" << endl;
    cin >> choice;
    if (choice == 1)
        cout << "enter the number of terms in AP you want to add " << endl;
        cin >> a1;
    else if (choice == 2)
        cout << "the sum is " << withdata(x) << endl;
        cout << "wrong!" << endl;

    return 0;

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