Thursday, December 15, 2022

Draw and explain the labeled timing diagram of following instructions :- (i) STA 2500H (ii) LHLD 2200H

(i) STA 2500H:

The instruction STA 2500H will store the value in the accumulator at memory location 2500H. The labeled timing diagram for this instruction is shown below:

T1Opcode FetchThe opcode for the STA instruction is fetched from memory.
T2Operand FetchThe operand (2500H) for the STA instruction is fetched from memory.
T3ExecutionThe accumulator value is stored at memory location 2500H.

(ii) LHLD 2200H:

The instruction LHLD 2200H will load the values stored at memory locations 2200H and 2201H into the registers HL. The labeled timing diagram for this instruction is shown below:

T1Opcode FetchThe opcode for the LHLD instruction is fetched from memory.
T2Operand FetchThe operand (2200H) for the LHLD instruction is fetched from memory.
T3ExecutionThe values stored at memory locations 2200H and 2201H are loaded into registers HL.

Note: The above timing diagrams assume that the instructions are executed sequentially without any interruptions or delays. 

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