Thursday, December 15, 2022

WAP to add 10 data bytes stored in memory locations starting at 2500H onwards and display the sum at memory location 2100H if the sum does not generate a carry. If a result generates a carry, stop the addition and store 01H at memory location 2100H

 Here is a sample program that adds 10 data bytes stored in memory locations starting at 0x2500 and displays the sum at memory location 0x2100:

MVI A, 00H ; Initialize the accumulator to 0 MVI C, 0AH ; Initialize the counter to 10 ADD_LOOP: MOV B, M ; Load the next data byte into register B ADD B ; Add it to the accumulator INX H ; Increment the memory pointer to point to the next data byte DCR C ; Decrement the counter JNZ ADD_LOOP ; Repeat the loop if the counter is not 0 STA 2100H ; Store the sum at memory location 2100H HLT ; Halt the program

To check for a carry and store 01H at memory location 0x2100 if a carry is generated, we can add the following instructions before the STA 2100H instruction:

MOV A, C ; Move the carry flag to the accumulator RLC ; Rotate the accumulator left, setting the carry flag if a carry was generated MOV B, A ; Move the rotated value of the accumulator to register B ANI 01H ; AND register B with 1, leaving only the least significant bit STA 2100H ; Store the result at memory location 2100H

Here is the complete program:

MVI A, 00H ; Initialize the accumulator to 0 MVI C, 0AH ; Initialize the counter to 10 ADD_LOOP: MOV B, M ; Load the next data byte into register B ADD B ; Add it to the accumulator INX H ; Increment the memory pointer to point to the next data byte DCR C ; Decrement the counter JNZ ADD_LOOP ; Repeat the loop if the counter is not 0 MOV A, C ; Move the carry flag to the accumulator RLC ; Rotate the accumulator left, setting the carry flag if a carry was generated MOV B, A ; Move the rotated value of the accumulator to register B ANI 01H ; AND register B with 1, leaving only the least significant bit STA 2100H ; Store the result at memory location 2100H HLT ; Halt the program

Note that this program assumes that the data bytes to be added are stored in consecutive memory locations starting at 0x2500. It also assumes that the memory location at 0x2100 is available for storing the result

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