Thursday, December 15, 2022

WAP to meet the following specifications :- a. Initialize the stack pointer register at XX99H. b. Clear the memory locations starting from XX90H to XX9FH. c. Load register pairs B, D and H with data 0237H, 1242H and 4087H. d. Push the contents of the register pairs B, D and H on the stack.

 MVI SP, 99H ; initialize stack pointer at XX99H

MVI A, 00H ; load accumulator with 00H MOV B, 90H ; load B register with starting memory location (XX90H) MOV C, 0FH ; load C register with number of memory locations to clear (16)

CLEAR: STAX B ; store accumulator value in memory location INR B ; increment memory location DCR C ; decrement number of memory locations JNZ CLEAR ; jump to CLEAR if number of memory locations is not zero

LXI B, 0237H ; load B register with 0237H LXI D, 1242H ; load D register with 1242H LXI H, 4087H ; load H register with 4087H

PUSH: PUSH B ; push B register value onto stack PUSH D ; push D register value onto stack PUSH H ; push H register value onto stack

HALT ; end program

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