Monday, March 6, 2023

various ways to prevent count to infinity problem and why link state routing uses ttl and sequence number fields along with differences between dvr and lsr

 The count to infinity problem is a major issue that can occur in distance vector routing protocols, such as RIP (Routing Information Protocol). This problem arises when a router receives incorrect or inconsistent information about the network topology, leading to the formation of routing loops.

To solve the count to infinity problem, various techniques have been developed, including:

  1. Split horizon: This technique involves a router not sending information about a route back to the router it received it from. This prevents the router from receiving its own information and causing a routing loop.

  2. Poison reverse: This technique is similar to split horizon, but instead of not sending the information back to the router it received it from, it sends the information with an infinite metric value. This makes the route unusable and eliminates the possibility of a routing loop.

  3. Hold-down timers: When a router receives information about a failed link, it waits for a specified period before accepting new information about the same link. This prevents the router from accepting incorrect information that may lead to routing loops.

  4. Maximum hop count: The maximum hop count limits the number of hops a packet can take before being dropped. This helps prevent the propagation of incorrect routing information and routing loops.

  5. Triggered updates: This technique involves sending updates immediately when a change in the network topology occurs. This helps ensure that all routers have the most up-to-date information and reduces the chances of routing loops.

These techniques help prevent the count to infinity problem and ensure efficient and accurate routing in distance vector routing protocols.

In link state routing, sequence numbers and time-to-live (TTL) fields are used for different purposes:

  1. Sequence numbers: Each router in the network maintains a database of the link state information for the entire network. This information includes the status of all links and the cost of each link. When a router detects a change in its local link state, it generates a new link state advertisement (LSA) containing the updated information and a new sequence number. Sequence numbers are used to ensure that all routers have the most recent version of the link state database. When a router receives an LSA, it compares the sequence number with the one it already has. If the sequence number is higher, the router updates its database with the new information.

  2. Time-to-live (TTL) field: The TTL field is used to prevent the propagation of outdated or incorrect link state information. When a router generates an LSA, it sets the TTL field to a specific value, indicating the maximum number of hops the LSA can travel before being discarded. As the LSA is propagated through the network, each router decrements the TTL field by one. If the TTL field reaches zero, the LSA is discarded. This ensures that outdated or incorrect LSAs do not propagate indefinitely and cause routing loops.

In summary, sequence numbers are used to ensure that all routers have the most recent version of the link state database, while the TTL field is used to prevent the propagation of outdated or incorrect link state information. These mechanisms help ensure efficient and accurate routing in link state routing protocols.

Distance Vector Routing:

Distance Vector Routing is a type of dynamic routing algorithm where each router calculates the distance between itself and every possible destination, including its immediate neighbors. The router shares its network knowledge with its neighbors and updates its table accordingly at regular intervals. The Bellman-Ford Algorithm is used to create routing tables. However, there are some problems with this routing algorithm. One of the major issues is the Count to Infinity problem, which can be resolved by using Split Horizon. Another issue is that good news spreads fast while bad news spreads slowly, and there is also the problem of persistent looping, which results in an infinite loop.

Link State Routing:

Link State Routing is a dynamic routing algorithm where each router shares its neighbor's knowledge with every other router in the network. The router sends its neighbor's information to all routers through flooding, but information sharing only occurs when there is a change. Dijkstra's Algorithm is used to create routing tables. However, there are some problems with this algorithm too, such as heavy traffic due to flooding of packets, and infinite looping, which can be resolved by using the Time to Live (TTL) field.

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