Tuesday, July 25, 2023

An Introduction to Code Generation: Optimizing Three-Address Statements with Registers

 An Introduction to Code Generation: Optimizing Three-Address Statements with Registers


Code generation is a crucial step in the compilation process, where high-level programming constructs are transformed into machine code or intermediate representations. One essential aspect of code generation is efficiently managing the use of registers and memory locations to store temporary values during the execution of three-address statements. In this article, we'll explore a code generation algorithm that aims to optimize the usage of registers and memory to produce efficient target code for three-address statements.

Three-Address Statements:

In programming languages, three-address statements are expressions that involve a single operation between two operands and a result. An example of a three-address statement is "x := y + z," where "y" and "z" are operands, and "x" is the result of the addition operation.

Register and Address Descriptors:

Before diving into the code generation algorithm, let's briefly understand two essential data structures: the register descriptor and the address descriptor.

  1. Register Descriptor: The register descriptor keeps track of what values are currently stored in each register. At the beginning of code generation, all registers are considered empty.

  2. Address Descriptor: The address descriptor stores the location where the current value of a variable can be found at runtime. Initially, all variables are assumed to be in memory.

The Code Generation Algorithm:

The code generation algorithm takes a sequence of three-address statements as input and processes each statement as follows:

Step 1: Invoke the "getreg" Function: The algorithm begins by calling the "getreg" function to determine where the result of the operation "b op c" should be stored. This function will return a register or memory location (denoted as L) to hold the result.

Step 2: Handle Operand "y": a. Check the address descriptor for variable "y" to determine its location (y'). If "y" is present in both memory and a register, prefer the register location (y') to minimize data movement.

b. If "y" is not already in the location (L) where the result of "b op c" is to be stored, generate the instruction "MOV y', L" to copy the value of "y" to L.

Step 3: Handle Operand "z": a. Generate the instruction "OP z', L" where z' represents the current location of "z". If "z" is present in both memory and a register, prefer the register location to optimize performance.

b. Perform the operation "OP" between "y'" and "z'", and store the result in location (L).

Step 4: Update Address Descriptor for "x": Update the address descriptor for variable "x" to indicate that "x" is now in location (L). If "x" is already in location (L), then update its descriptor and remove "x" from all other descriptors. This ensures accurate tracking of variable locations.

Step 5: Optimize Register Usage: Check if the current value of "y" or "z" has no next uses (i.e., they are not used in subsequent instructions) or are not live on exit from the block. If so, update the register descriptor to indicate that after executing "x := y + z," those registers will no longer contain the values of "y" or "z." This step frees up registers for other computations.


Efficient code generation plays a vital role in optimizing the performance of programs. By carefully managing the use of registers and memory locations, the code generation algorithm described in this article produces target code for three-address statements that reduces data movement and improves overall execution efficiency. Understanding these concepts can help developers appreciate the intricacies of the compilation process and make informed decisions when writing high-performance code.

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